What Foods Are Harmful to Sugar Gliders?

It can be very heartbreaking when you try to give your sugar glider a little treat. But that actually makes your little buddy sick.

To take proper care you have to know about their food habit. And also have to be careful what you give them to eat. 

So, what foods are harmful to sugar gliders?

Well, neurally sugar gliders eat various fruits, meat, and some baked treats. But some fruits like Avocado, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leeks, and lettuce can be toxic. Also, sugar gliders are lactose intolerant. And some meat like pork is considered dangerous. 

You must be still confused about that matter. Don’t worry below I have done a detailed discussion on that note.

Let’s jump to the detailed discussion. 

What Foods Are Harmful to Sugar Gliders?: 6 Categories!

What Foods Are Harmful to Sugar Gliders

Sugar gliders are small nocturnal creatures native to Australia and New Guinea’s treetops. In the wild, their diet contains a set of forest sweets, small animals, and insects. When kept as pets, their natural eating patterns can be difficult to replicate.

However, you must consider what is toxic to sugar glider. And replicate as much of their natural diet as possible.

Furthermore, anything out of the ordinary can be hazardous to your animal companion. This is the type of food you should not feed your pet.

I’ve listed some of the forbidden foods and fruits below. These forbidden foods and fruits are divided into several categories.

Let’s get into the meat of the matter.

Category 01: Dairy Items

Sugar gliders are totally lactose intolerant. That means it can be risky for them to consume any kind of dairy product. Some of them might tolerate a limited number of dairy products such as cheese or yogurt.

But they are so tiny in size, that even a little amount can be dangerous. It can be harmful to their digestion. 

So you can tell can sugar glider eat baby food, the answer would be obviously no. 

Category 02: Meat

Sugar gliders are wild animals and they often eat insects for protein. So you must be thinking it’s okay to feed your little buddy meat.

Well, you can feed your little buddy meat, but they must be well cooked. You should never allow raw meat in your glider. It can be very harmful to their digestion.

Also, you should avoid pork because it has high sodium. It can be harmful to your little buddy even if nicely cooked.

The prohibition also goes for raw eggs. You might find your buddy loves eggs. But you should also boil eggs properly before feeding your sugar glider. 

Category 03: Sweets and Beverage

Sugar gliders are at risk from any food containing refined sugar, including canned fruit or candy. Sugar gliders, like other pets, cannot consume chocolate. As a result, attempting to treat your little buddy with candy or chocolate can be fatal.

Because they are so tiny, even the smallest amount can have an impact on their body. Sugar gliders are also poisoned by drink, tea, soda, and other human beverages.

Before treating your glider, you should be more concerned. Caffeine-containing beverages, in particular.

Also, sugar gliders are always hyper when it comes to eating. You have to take a cautious concern when your little buddy is rimming around the house.

Category 04: Fruits and Vegetables

What fruits can sugar glider eat? Most fruits and vegetables are good for sugar gliders. However, all vegetables and fruit must be cleaned before feeding to a sugar glider. To ensure that toxins and pesticides are no longer used.

Glider owners should also avoid consuming their pet’s fruits and vegetables like broccoli. They are challenging to thoroughly clean.

Other than berry-like raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries, gliders could be harmed by them. Avocado, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, leeks, and lettuce are also highly harmful fruits.

Carrots and beets, for example, can be toxic to sugar gliders. Greens, garlic, onions, peas, and turnips are also toxic to sugar gliders.

Category 05: Nuts, Seeds, and Pits

Fruit pits and bird seeds are toxic to sugar gliders and must be avoided. Nuts and other seeds are not toxic. But they are unhealthy due to their high-fat content and low nutritional value.

They should only be served as a treat on rare occasions.

Gliders eat nuts. And, if given the chance, will gorge on them instead of eating more nutritious foods. So you could give your buddy a little number of nuts or seeds to make him happy.

Category 06: Water

Water is an essential component of your sugar glider’s diet. You should never give your sugar glider tap water.

Since some of the components in tap water are indigestible to sugar gliders. Every time make sure to give your sugar glider distilled or bottled water.

Anything excess or unnatural can be harmful to your little buddy. Below I have discussed a proper diet for your sugar glider. 

Proper Diet for Your Sugar Glider

Proper Diet for Your Sugar Glider

You must be wondering what can sugar gliders eat list? The proper diet for sugar gliders would be a replica of their natural diet. As a result, vegetables and fruits should make up the majority of the sugar glider diet.

It accounts for approximately 75% of the total diet; the remaining 25% must be protein. Treets are also part of their diet. However, it should not exceed 25% of the total diet.

Fruits such as apples, apricots, bananas, and cantaloupe can be fed to your sugar glider. You can also add different types of meat and boiled eggs for protein.

The diet can be supplemented with nutrient-dense pellet kibble and sap-basted mixture. A calcium-based multivitamin supplement should also be included in your sugar glider’s diet.


Is it possible for sugar gliders to eat peanut butter?

Peanuts are an excellent treat for your sugar glider. Make sure they stay a treat and are only served on rare occasions. You don’t want to eat too many peanuts because they’re high in fat.

Can oranges be eaten by sugar gliders?

The short and simple answer is that sugar gliders can eat oranges and orange peels in moderation. Peels, in particular, should be fed in moderation. Also, do not feed orange seeds to your sugar gliders.

Can sugar gliders make you sick?

Sugar gliders may become sick with this disease and transmit it to humans. If they come into contact with contaminated water or food containing Leptospira bacteria.

Bottom Line

Thank you for tagging with me till the very end. Hope now you are clear about the matter of what foods are harmful to sugar gliders.

As sugar gliders, we have to be very careful about their food. And it’s best to console a vet to remove the dilemma.

Best of luck. 

Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan

Ryan Dugan is a dedicated pet care professional who offers top-notch services for a variety of pet species. He has a soft spot for my own feline companion, Sophie. He is passionate about animals He shares his knowledge and experience on his blog to help other pet owners understand and care for their own beloved companions. Whether you need a pet-sitting service or advice on pet care, He is the go-to expert.

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