How To Befriend A Groundhog? [Simple Steps To Success]

Groundhogs may be found in a variety of habitats, including woodland borders, meadows, open fields, roadways, and streams.

They also survive in deep woodlands on occasion. Groundhogs are strong swimmers and can climb large plants and trees, despite their huge burrow networks.

So, how to befriend a groundhog?

It’s tough to befriend an adult groundhog. If you can bring a baby groundhog then it can be your friend after a few days. Groundhogs in captivity may live up to 10 years and if they’ve become reliant on you, they won’t be able to survive if you abandon them in the wild.

So you are bringing on a big responsibility. Presumably, you recovered a groundhog that had become orphaned. Now, you need to give it a huge yard where your groundhog can exercise, which will make things easier.

But it is an odd and strange pet. In that case, we’ll go over some of the benefits of having a groundhog as a pet, as well as some of the challenges of keeping one.

Lastly, there are some tips for keeping both the whistle pig and yourself well and happy-

What Brings Groundhogs To Your Property?

What Brings Groundhogs To Your Property

Groundhogs are most likely drawn to your yard because of the vegetation that grows there. Store-bought repellents often come in the form of a liquid or granule that contains a concentrated version of predator urine, such as fox or coyote pee.

Sweet foods, such as strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, peaches, or maize are particularly appealing to groundhogs. Lettuce, cucumber, and green beans are additional favorites.

What Is A Groundhog’s Typical Lifespan?

What Is A Groundhog's Typical Lifespan

Groundhogs, sometimes known as woodchucks, live for four to five years on average but can live up to six. In captivity, they can live for up to ten years.

As A Pet, A Groundhog

Groundhogs may become quite friendly and playful with the humans they know if they are raised from a young age and handled kindly.

Groundhogs, like kittens, may be taught to use the litter box. A pet groundhog is a terrific way to start a conversation.

Where to Keep Your Groundhog?

A groundhog cage should be at least four feet by eight feet in size. I should be including the floor and made of almost one-inch welding metal mesh. The cage will require a large nest box and nesting material like as grass, a sandbox for burrowing, and clean twigs. 

To calm your pet, you’ll also need to supply a tiny animal watering bottle, a vast range of veggies, fruit, and rabbit feed as well as frequent gentle touching.

Get a six-foot-length wire fence and bury the bottom of it in two-foot-deep trenches. Around the yard, if you are planning on making a groundhog exercise yard.

This will keep the woodchucks from digging it out. Stake the fence such that the first three feet are taut from the ground up, while the last foot bends over into the exercise yard.

Groundhogs can easily dig and leap and that final drooping foot should keep your critter from jumping over the fence. To the greener pastures on the other side.

Is It Necessary To Get A Groundhog License?

Special permissions and licenses are necessary to have a pet groundhog. You may have trouble finding a veterinarian for your pet because most of them are unfamiliar with treating groundhogs. It will also require a rabies vaccination every year.

Is A Rabies Vaccine Required For A Groundhog?

Vaccinations, including a rabies injection, are required. So, you need to make those arrangements. 

Groundhog Advantages

When reared from a young age and handled carefully, groundhogs may become incredibly friendly and playful with those they know. They can be litter box trained too. 

What Are The Preferred Foods Of Groundhogs?

The best foods for your groundhogs are given below-

  • Groundhog Detriment Alfalfa
  • Peas
  • Soybeans
  • Beans
  • Plantain
  • Lettuce
  • Clover
  • Broccoli

These are a few of his signature meals. Your seedlings will often be devoured by groundhogs before they have a chance to flourish. Because rabbits and deer consume some of the same plants as groundhogs, look for burrows before assuming you have groundhogs.


Do groundhogs come close to humans?

Groundhog-human contacts are regular, despite the fact that groundhogs seldom assault humans.

In my yard, what can I feed a groundhog?

Cantaloupes, green beans, cucumbers, zucchini, and maize are among their favorites. Fresh smooth greens like lettuce and cabbage and also cantaloupes, maize, cucumbers, zucchini, green beans and cucumbers. Instead of keeping them in the garden for a few days, pick them up as soon as they’re ready.

What causes groundhogs to scream?

When they are disturbed, they use a strong beep to alert the remainder of the colony. Hence the name “whistle-pig.” When battling, critically hurt, or caught by a predator, groundhogs may shriek. Low barks and a sound made by gnashing their teeth are two more sounds groundhogs may make.


So, I think you have got your brief answer to your question – how to befriend a groundhog?

Groundhogs are vegetarian rodents belonging to the marmot family. Rodents gnaw on things. Their fangs and claws develop quickly, so they must bite, scrape or dig to keep them under control.

To preserve your carpets and furnishings, feed your pet greens and a broad variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as edible greens, and keep an eye on him when he’s loose in the home.

Because marmots are burrowers, your pet may seek refuge in very dark areas of your home, making it difficult to locate or retrieve them.

Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan

Ryan Dugan is a dedicated pet care professional who offers top-notch services for a variety of pet species. He has a soft spot for my own feline companion, Sophie. He is passionate about animals He shares his knowledge and experience on his blog to help other pet owners understand and care for their own beloved companions. Whether you need a pet-sitting service or advice on pet care, He is the go-to expert.

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