How to Take Care of Sugar Gliders?: [5 Easy Steps]

You must be very worried when you bring a sugar glider home. And on top of that, you don’t know anything about taking care of him.

So, how to take care of sugar gliders?

Well, taking care of a sugar glider is an easy task if you are a pet lover. You just need to bond with the sugar guilder. Also, maintain a proper diet. You also need to provide an appropriate cage for your sugar glider. You can also add to your local glider community which can be helpful.

You must be still out in the blue about that matter. Don’t worry, this whole article is prepared just to clear yourself.

Let’s jump to the detailed article. 

How to Take Care of Sugar Gliders?: 5 Easy Steps

How to Take Care of Sugar Gliders

Sugar gliders are extremely rare animals that many people are unaware of. So you must be thinking, are sugar gliders hard to take care of? Actually, it’s the opposite.

They have been domesticated over the last 15 years and are now known to make excellent pets. If you want to bring a sugar glider into your home.

You need to know everything about them. Sugar gliders are indigenous to Australia and Indonesia. They are not rodents, as some belief, but marsupials. 

This means they raise their young in a pouch on the mother’s belly, much like a kangaroo. They are nocturnal. This means they sleep during the day and are awake and active at night.

Sugar gliders are remarkably social creatures, but they do not often make good pets.  It is wise to keep them in pairs or groups, as they do in the wild. Even with human interaction, singular sugar gliders can become lonely.

Many people have problems with sugar gliders. Because they are nocturnal and choose not to be dealt with during the day. Stressed sugar gliders may bite.

So it’s important to gradually build up trust with sugar gliders rather than forcing stressful interactions. In addition, the lifespan of a sugar glider is 10 to 15 years.

As a result, they have a significant time commitment.

If you have recently brought home a sugar glider, you should follow some care instructions. I’ve listed some of the tips and steps you can take down below.

Step 01: Bond with Your Sugar Glider

One of the most unique characteristics of sugar gliders is their need for socialization. Gliders have a lot of love to give if you spend time with them.

If you want your gliders to be happy and healthy, it’s much better to get two. Wearing some lambswool squares on your individual for a few days. Then put them from within their sleeping pouch.

It is all it takes to start the bonding process. They are very scent-oriented. And this will assist them in recognizing you as a member of their colony.

Holding them in a bonding pouch every day is an excellent way to bond with them. They will mostly sleep, but you can entice them into the bag with snacks.

Hold them close to the chest and keep them from bouncing around too much. This also helps them become accustomed to your scent. Give them a few treats, but don’t overdo it.

When you wake them up. Offer them to put those in a bonding pouch or whenever you want to enjoy them. This will help them understand why they should not be afraid of you.

“Tent time” is a good method for playtime. Trying to play with your gliders in a tent means allowing them to roam freely.

Step 02: Keep In Touch With a Veterinarian For Exotic Animals

Ensure you have a vet in your area who specializes in glider care. Before you bring a pair of sugar gliders home. You should carry your gliders in for a health check once a year. This is to ensure they’re in good health.

Step 03: Provide a Proper Diet

You can guess what do sugar gliders eat. Most of the sugar glider diet should be vegetables and fruits. It’s approximately 75 percent of the full diet, the other 25 percent have to be protein.

Treets are also included in their diet. But it should not be more than 25 percent of the full diet.

You can give your sugar glider fruits like apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, berries, cantaloupe, and carrots.

Also for protein, you can add different meat, boiled egg, cheese, yogurt, and tofu to the diet. You should talk to a vet to set up a proper diet for your sugar glider. 

Step 04: Provide a Cage for Your Sugar Glider

Though sugar gliders are small in size. But they prefer a large cage. The larger the batter. The cage has to be 3 feet high and 2 feet wide.

But you must always look for the capability to build a larger sugar glider cage. You can find several sources of cages online, also there must be some in your local store.

Many glider owners buy a custom cage and then modify it to their needs. Here are some cages that you can check for your sugar glider. 

These cages are perfect in size. And they will be a better place for your little buddy. 

You also need to provide What sugar gliders need in their cage. This could be toys and pouches. 

Step 05: Connect With The Sugar Glider Community

It’s best if you go around some places with your sugar glider. And meet some other sugar glider owners there. Plus the community can be a great help to find answers to your regular queries.

Also, it would be helpful for your sugar glider also. It would be an easy way to discuss and check for common issues of sugar gliders. Also, a group discussion would make things.

 But be very careful when you’re outing with your sugar glider. Sugar gliders may run even if they are super bound with you. And any species nearby could be a risk to them too.

Also, loud noises and animals can scare them. And they may try to escape from a tree or into the drain pipe. They can be super escapees.

If you follow these steps accordingly, it will be much easier to take care of them.


Is it difficult to care for sugar gliders?

Sugar gliders cannot be potty trained, although they are clean pets. It’s fairly simple to maintain their enclosure once it’s set up.

What causes sugar gliders to die?

Avoid using tap water. always use bottled drinking water or spring water. Chemicals in tap water, such as fluoridated water and chlorine, can be potentially lethal to gliders. Avocado, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and leeks are all potentially toxic vegetables.

Do sugar gliders enjoy being held?

Sugar gliders are playful, inquisitive creatures who enjoy socializing with their cage mates. And also, with their human caregivers.

Bottom Line

Thank you for teaming with us till the very end. Hope now you know more about how to take care of sugar gliders. 

Though sugar gliders are wild animals. But you can bond with them pretty easily. And they can be your little buddy.

Best of luck.

Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan

Ryan Dugan is a dedicated pet care professional who offers top-notch services for a variety of pet species. He has a soft spot for my own feline companion, Sophie. He is passionate about animals He shares his knowledge and experience on his blog to help other pet owners understand and care for their own beloved companions. Whether you need a pet-sitting service or advice on pet care, He is the go-to expert.

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