My Ferret is Itching Like Crazy – 9 Probable Causes!

You’d just finished constructing a lovely cage for your pet ferret and were sound asleep. You thought you’d figured it all out. 

After hearing strange noises and scratching, you’re surprised to hear your ferret’s attempts to scratch itself. The first question that hits your mind is, “why is my ferret so itchy?”

My ferret is itching like crazy!

Itchy ferrets can be caused by flea and tick infestations. The scratchiness is also caused by tumours, hair shedding, and allergic reaction to foods or bath products. Taking drugs orally and externally suggested by a vet can cure the problem. Cleanliness and nutritious food can prevent itchiness. 

Get all of the details by reading the entire article!

Are Ferrets Always Scratchy?

Indeed, ferrets are scratchy quite often! But it shouldn’t be an issue until they start bleeding or do it constantly. Then, you need to see a veterinarian right away.

Scratching is more common in ferrets that are agitated or older. Also, remember this, the ferret wakes up scratching if the itching is severe.

To understand why ferrets scratch so much, we need to look at the numerous factors that contribute to it.

Why is My Ferret So Itchy?

Why is My Ferret So Itchy

The scratching of ferrets may be caused by a variety of reasons. Pruritus in ferrets is the feeling of itchiness. Let’s take a closer look at each of these:

Flea, and Tick Infestations

Among the most common causes of ferret, itchiness is flea and tick infestation. The shoulder blades are a good place to look for fleas.

Your ferret’s skin will get inflamed from the flea bites. An agitated ferret will itch relief. Your ferret may develop red patches on its skin if it is infested with fleas.


There is a good chance that your ferret skin mites. If it is continually scratching and rubbing its ear and itching.

Tumours May Also Be a Cause of Itching

In the beginning phases, they’re difficult to identify. But if you look closely, you may find small lumps on the skin. They’re uncommon in ferrets, but they’re still the source of your pet’s discomfort. 

Seasonal Hair Shedding

A ferret’s periodic shedding of its hair may be the cause of ferret itching and biting. But keep a close eye on where it scratches.

Shampoo Reaction

You may wonder, “ why is my ferret scratching the floor?” It’s possible that shampoos are to blame for the reaction.

Ferrets may get dry skin if they use strong shampoos. Which strips the skin of all of its moisture.

Allergic Reaction

Allergies are another factor that is frequently overlooked. Ferrets are generally less allergenic than dogs and cats. However certain compounds can cause extremely dangerous circumstances.

Ferrets can be allergic to some pet meals that contain ingredients like soya and food colours. They can also be allergic to certain rugs. The symptoms can be seen on their paws. 

Shortage of Nutrients

Another factor is a shortage of nutrients. When ferrets are fed a diet low in fats/nutrients and low in moisture, this can lead to dehydration. Dry and itchy skin can be a side effect of certain diets. 

Parasitic Infection

You may notice your itchy ferret no fleas. The sarcoptic mange is a parasitic infection that can cause the skin disorder ferret scabies. Your Ferret may become infected with mange from other animals.

Adrenal Gland Tumours

Adrenal gland tumours are a possible contributing factor. It is possible for ferrets over the age of four to develop tumours in their adrenal glands.

When there is no skin inflammation, the Ferret will be constantly scratching and itching. In addition, the Ferret would appear more sluggish and less playful. 

Itching in a Ferret: What Is the Best Way to Stop It?

Itching in a Ferret What Is the Best Way to Stop It

There are several ways to alleviate your ferret’s itch now that you’re aware of the most common causes. Depending on the cause of your ferret’s itching, you can choose from the following options.

Prescription Drugs Taken Orally

For parasite infestations like fleas or ticks, you can administer oral treatments prescribed by your veterinarian. If your ferret is scratching excessively and itching excessively.

Flea medication can be added to your ferret’s diet to alleviate irritation. Your veterinarian will prescribe oral treatments for more serious conditions like mange after a thorough examination.

Using Cream

If your ferret has a fungal or viral infection, you can apply the cream. Soothe your ferret with antifungal creams like miconazole.

Removal of Tumour via Surgery

Adrenal tumours in ferrets can be surgically removed by your vet if they are found. The itchiness produced by the removal of the glands will disappear. Mast cell tumours can potentially be treated by removing the cancerous cells surgically.  

Massage Them with Coconut Oil

You can gently rub your ferret’s hair using coconut oil. To keep your ferret’s skin from drying out, do this to keep its coat shiny and soft. For more effective results, use emollient skin spray for ferrets.

Giving Your Ferret Oatmeal Baths

You can give your ferret an oatmeal bath from time to time. A fantastic way to keep your ferret’s skin clear when it’s dry and itching is with these pet shampoos-

The simplest way to give your ferret an oatmeal bath is to ground some plain oats onto a cloth. Then soak the cloth in lukewarm water for 10 minutes before using the water to wash it. It’s an effective home remedy for ferret dry skin and itchiness.

Provide Healthy Meals

If your ferret’s fur is not properly nourished, it might become dry and thin. Resulting in itching and scratching.

Providing your ferret with a diet high in protein and fat is crucial. You should always feed your pet high-quality kibble.


Is There a Reason for My Ferret to Scratch Its Mouth?

Ferrets can scratch their mouths if they have a bone or food lodged in their throats. When a ferret scratches his mouth, he may be in pain or feeling sick.

If you notice your ferret clawing his mouth, take him to the clinic immediately.

Is it normal for ferrets to scratch people?

To avoid scratching, ferrets have a natural tendency to dig. Consequently, ferrets do scratch people. Keep a thick cloth or towel in your lap to protect yourself from being scratched by your ferret. It’s recommended to cut your ferret’s nails on a regular basis.

What Can Make a Ferret Allergic?

Ferrets’ most common dietary allergy trigger is corn gluten. Ferrets can potentially develop allergies to certain flea and mite treatment drugs. An allergy to food in ferrets can result in symptoms such as gas, bloating, and diarrhoea.

Final Words

I hope now you have the answer to why my ferret is itching like crazy. To summarise, ferrets are naturally itchy and enjoy scratching themselves, thus that’s why they’re itchy.

Even if your ferret isn’t hurting itself, you should keep an eye out for it if it is itching and biting excessively.

Keep an eye out for my next article!

Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan

Ryan Dugan is a dedicated pet care professional who offers top-notch services for a variety of pet species. He has a soft spot for my own feline companion, Sophie. He is passionate about animals He shares his knowledge and experience on his blog to help other pet owners understand and care for their own beloved companions. Whether you need a pet-sitting service or advice on pet care, He is the go-to expert.

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