Can Sugar Gliders Eat Oranges?: Question Answered!

It’s nice to have a pet like sugar gliders at home. The company it gives can be heartwarming. But to keep them healthy, they will need a nutritious and balanced diet. So, you might consider giving oranges to your gliders. But that raises a worry if they are good for them.

So, can sugar gliders eat oranges?

Yes, sugar gliders can eat oranges. Sugar gliders are delicate animals. They need a balanced and nutritious diet. Having oranges is healthy for them but having too much can cause some worry. Incorporating fruits and vegetables is the best method to give them a properly balanced diet.

Sounds intriguing already? we have got more to make you more relaxed on your glider’s diet. So, hop onto the journey without delaying any further. 

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Oranges?

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Oranges

Oranges are a sweet and tangy fruit that is liked by plenty. It is not just endeared by humans. Rather it is also endeared by other animals as well. The sweet and tangy flavor makes it popular in the fruit consumption world.

So, now the question is do sugar gliders like to have oranges?

Now the answer is, yes, they do. Also, it is healthy for them to have. Oranges contain plenty of vitamins and natural minerals. So, you can give oranges to your sugar glides without worrying too much. 

Usually, you can give the whole orange to your sugar glides. Sugar gliders can consume the skin of the oranges as well.

But always keep in mind that the skin has to be fed in moderation. Too much the orange skin consumption for sugar gliders can be detrimental.

Also, don’t go in to feed only oranges to your sugar gliders if they like it. It should be included once or twice a week in their dietary procedure. That is the healthiest amount for them. 

How to Prepare Oranges for Your Sugar Glider?

Generally, oranges do not need much preparation before serving. But you should always give it a good rinse before serving it to your little furry friend.

Sugar gliders are extremely delicate animals for food. Anything bad for humans is bad for them as well.

So, make sure to rinse off any sort of pesticides or insecticides. They might stay attached to the skin of the orange which will cause immediate health hazards.

So, rinse them carefully

Alternatively, you can give them organic oranges. They might come with a bit more price. But they were cultivated with no pesticides or insecticides at all. So, they are completely safe for your sugar gliders.

You can serve oranges to your sugar gliders whole without any concern. Their strong teeth can get through the skin of an orange. Also, the skins are consumable for them.

So, you don’t need to peel them before. But give them in moderate amounts as too much peel can be detrimental for them.

But if you want to make it easier for them, then cut the orange into slices. Then serve it to them with the peels on. They will extract the juice of the peel and leave the dry peel for you to discard. 

Why Sugar Gliders Should Have Oranges in Moderation?

Sugar gliders are wild and omnivorous animals. In the wild, they consume plenty of different varieties of food to keep the glider’s nutrients in check.

We know that oranges are very healthy for the gliders. but they don’t provide all the nutrients that a glider needs. They also need other foods as well.

In addition to that, oranges are citrus fruits. Too much citrus food consumption is bad for the glider’s digestive system. It causes them to have watery stool and diarrhea. This problem can be life-threatening for them.

Also, continuous consumption of oranges causes to have loose stool. And it might prolong for a longer duration of time.

Also, oranges are full of glucose. This essentially makes them taste sweeter. Too much glucose is bad for the sugar glider’s health.

So, only giving oranges might cause more trouble than benefits.

Usually, gliders need to maintain a ratio of 2:1 ratio of calcium and phosphorus. Only consuming oranges breaks that ratio which essentially does more harm to them than any benefits.

So, make sure to maintain the ratio. 

Can Sugar Gliders Eat Orange Peel and Seeds?

There are some of the things that you need to keep in mind here. First is, that if humans eat something, it is safe for the sugar gliders to eat. Humans eat the peel without much hesitation.

So, it is safe for the gliders to consume.

But don’t give them too much. Also, the seeds are not something that humans eat, so, your gliders won’t have them as well. The seeds of oranges can be toxic for your gliders.

So, it’s best to remove them while serving.

Although, there is a high probability that the gliders will eat the flesh and leave the seeds discarded. 

But there is no need to go down that path. One thing will lead to another and we will see ourselves running to the vet.


What kind of fruits do sugar gliders can not eat?

Fruits and vegetables containing high levels of oxalates should be avoided for the sugar gliders. They will impair calcium absorption. This can be very lethal for the sugar glider.

What foods are toxic to Sugar Gliders?

You should not give your sugar gliders any sort of chocolate or dairy products. They will produce inflammatory content in your glider’s stomach. Also, food containing high levels of oxalates should be avoided too.

What kills Sugar Gliders?

Never use tap water for your gliders to consume. Always use bottled drinking water or spring water. Tap water contains fluoride and chlorine. If consumed, these will be lethal for your furry friend.


That is everything you need to know about, Can sugar gliders eat oranges?” Hopefully, that cleared up your confusion.

Always contact the vet if your sugar glider is not behaving normally after taking it. And if you seek to know more about their diet, consult a professional glider dietitian.

We’ll see you again. Till then, have fun with your furry friend!

Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan

Ryan Dugan is a dedicated pet care professional who offers top-notch services for a variety of pet species. He has a soft spot for my own feline companion, Sophie. He is passionate about animals He shares his knowledge and experience on his blog to help other pet owners understand and care for their own beloved companions. Whether you need a pet-sitting service or advice on pet care, He is the go-to expert.

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