Hamster Intestines Coming Out: 8 Possible Reasons

Went to clean your hamster’s encampment but ended up finding something quite different instead? Upon taking a closer look you might discover that your hamster was hurting?

Why are my hamster intestines coming out?

Your hamster has a rectum prolapse. It isn’t exactly rare among hamsters and other similar rodents so you shouldn’t be shocked. It usually occurs when a hamster fails to excrete feces. It can either be caused by diarrhea or lack of intake of fibers or bacterial infections.

We hope that this short intro to the article has you excited for more. Since we’ll be covering in detail a hamster’s health and causes of illness.

8 Reasons Why Your Hamster’s Intestines Are Coming Out

Hamster’s Intestines Are Coming Out

You might be thinking:

My hamster bum is sticking out. Why?

We will be covering the 8 reasons why your hamster intestines are coming out.

Reason 1: Wet Tail Disease

The inflammation of the intestinal tract, causes the hamster to discharge some fluid fecal matter. Because of the continual watery secretion, the hamster’s tails always seem to be wet. Hence it’s called wet tail disease.

The inflammation in the big intestine progresses, causing it to rupture. This ends up making your hamster feeble and bothersome. 

Reason 2:  Sphincter Muscles

Even as excrement waste accumulates there, it advances toward the end. It should not facilitate outflow if the musculature doesn’t operate correctly. Whenever the hamster is compelled to expel, without support from the muscles, it results in prolapse.  If you have problems addressing your hamster during fecal discharge, you should be aware of it.

To remedy this, one should use a high-quality gel or cream. This cream or lubricant improves mobility. This reduces the likelihood of rectal prolapse significantly. Fiber meals can also be quite helpful in staying safe in this circumstance.

Don’t have any cream or gel for treating your hamster? Then we suggest taking a look at some of these.

Fret not about any of these creams being defective. You shouldn’t because the products we recommend have been tested by us in advance.

Reason 3: Chronic Constipation

Constipation is a disorder wherein bowel passage is painful and inconsistent. In this situation, the stool passing is very sluggish and the volume is quite small. You may also remark it’s unable to clear properly in this scenario.

Much of the fecal matter is evacuated twice or three times per week. However, in typical hamsters, the frequency of excretion in a single day is the same. If this number falls below a certain threshold, your hamster may experience significant problems. As the volume of occurrences decreases, incorrect clearing occurs. This can exacerbate constipation to a much greater level.

Since constipation may be detected promptly, this illness is treatable. If you notice your gerbil isn’t pooping well, consider supplying him fiber to prevent constipation. 

Reason 4: Pelvic Floor Muscle

These muscles are responsible for feeding, retaining, draining, and all other activities. The pelvic nerves break the bonds in response to pressure and desire.  It may become reluctant to loosen and extend.

If the hamster tries to do so violently, it will fall out of its location. If the muscle tissues remain stiff and do not extend adequately, they can induce constipation. However, if they obtain looseness, they can induce persistent diarrhea.

As a result, these tissues must function properly. If any of their activities is inappropriate, this will be the reason for rectal protrusion. Hamsters suffer greatly whenever they die in the process of this sickness.

Reason 5: Bacterial Infection

This illness is caused by microorganisms. Bacteria from tainted food are usually the cause of illness in the intestinal tract.

How do bacteria affect a hamster’s intestines?

Bacteria cause serious inflammation. This results in the formation of parasites. These parasites are the most common cause of significant excretory difficulties. Whenever the hamster commences excreting and experiences discomfort, it amasses all of the fecal matter.

To combat such a condition, you’ll really have to offer your hamster some high-quality remedy. To treat a bacterial infection, you must use a full medication that is antibacterial. You need to do this so that your hamster does not become infected afterward. Hyperglycemia should be treated in rodents to avoid such complications.

Reason 6: Less Intake of Dietary Fiber

Soluble fibers are the primary food component that promotes excrement release. It’s a treatment for dysentery. Fiber content contains plant material, which is used to enrich food ingredients.

Congestion can occur if you feed your gerbil fewer fiber meals. This dense diet increases the amount of fiber in the fecal waste. This is then expelled very rapidly as a result of this. However, if a fibrous diet is not consumed or is consumed insufficiently, excrement accumulates and causes indigestion.

To keep the rodent from being weary, fiber should be added to the hamster’s regular food. Therefore, at the slightest, add one-fourth of the grain all at once throughout a meal.

Reason 7: Uncommon Bowel Motion

Frequent bowel movement is typical in hamsters. However, when it becomes erratic, it is an indication of a potentially dangerous scenario. Due to diarrhea, constipation, stress, nausea, and incorrect dietary food intake, gastrointestinal activity becomes infrequent.

What is the primary cause of unusual bowel movements in hamsters?

Most of the time, tension is the root cause of unusual bowel movements. If your rodent is unhappy with the atmosphere you provide for him, he will always be stressed.

Rather than the environment, there are numerous additional elements that contribute to his tension and anxiety. For example, sadness, fear, poor nutrition, and anxiety from you and another individual existing in his enclosure.

Reason 8:  Diarrhea

Diarrhea is another difficult issue for the gerbil. Diarrhea is characterized by persistent fluid waste that must be excreted. As a result, the entire intrinsic pathway becomes more and more delicate. This hypersensitivity damages the tissues, increasing the likelihood of rectal prolapse.

Diarrhea for hamsters is hazardous in a multitude of ways. To address this problem, offer liquid saline so that its hydration shortfall remains stable. The food you offer him should be high in carbs so that he may stay alert. You should also increase the amount of fiber in his diet. This will help to make the feces thicker and reduce the outflow of liquid from it.

We’ve covered all of the reasons why your hamster’s intestines might be coming out. If you’re worried about your hamster, then immediately take him to a vet. You need to do so because you won’t be able to do much without being skilled.


Is My Hamster Suffering from a Tumor?

Tumors may be seen on the skin or be located internally. Here the only external signs are non-specific symptoms, such as depression, dullness, appetite loss, and diarrhea.

What is the Best Way to Cure a Hamster’s Abscess?

The abscess is drained, and medication is administered. When an appendix bursts, your vet will ensure that the cyst has been emptied. He will do so right before flushing the incision. Benign growths that have not burst can be surgically repaired.

How Can I Relieve My Hamster’s Constipation?

Constipation refers to the lack of liquid in his meals. Ensure he has access to running water always. If your rodent becomes constipated, feed him carrots and other nutritious fruits.


This concludes our thoughts on why your hamster intestines coming out.

We hope that everything we have covered and the reasons we’ve provided would be enough. A hamster is a lovely animal and seeing it in that condition can be too much. But with proper care, the problem can be resolved.

Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan
Ryan Dugan

Ryan Dugan is a dedicated pet care professional who offers top-notch services for a variety of pet species. He has a soft spot for my own feline companion, Sophie. He is passionate about animals He shares his knowledge and experience on his blog to help other pet owners understand and care for their own beloved companions. Whether you need a pet-sitting service or advice on pet care, He is the go-to expert.

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